What is Storks Nest?
Stork's Nest is a monthly prenatal health education program held at Thea Bowman Center in Cleveland Ohio. The program is open to low income pregnant women and their partners, with the seminar content covering the entire range of pregnancy topics - from your health before pregnancy, through your baby's first birthday. The seminars are conducted by trained health professional volunteers using March of Dimes and ZHOPE approved curriculum.
Why Participate?
Participants earn "Shopping Points" which can be used to shop for mostly new donated baby clothing at the Stork's Nest. These points are all that is needed there is no other cost. Additional points can be earned when a woman's partner or support person also attends. Through the generosity of donations, the Stork's Nest is stocked with virtually new infant and children's clothing and items.
The members of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Gamma Delta Zeta Chapter and the March of Dimes Co-sponsor the Stork's Nest. This program is designed to:
Provide prenatal education and incentives to pregnant women.
Motivate women to get early, regular prenatal care through earned incentives.
Educate women on self-care during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum.
Educate mothers on newborn care, infant safety and follow up immunizations for their babies.
Where is Storks Nest?
Stork's Nest meets on the 3rd Saturday of each month at the Thea bowman Center. See below for details.